Sunday, February 28, 2010

La la land

Full on wedding/job search/moving/goodbye stress hasn't even hit yet, but I'm definitely ready to retreat away from it all.  You know how it is when you're already behind and things just keep being added to your plate?  And then you get the flu and lose an entire weekend's worth of rest and productivity?

On the upside, our save the date is in the works.  (Yes, it's late.  But it's moving forward.)  We finally figured out that we do have a friend (Mike's friend) that works in design.  So, we sent her my sketch-up and chatted today and now the ball is rolling!  <phew!>

Also, three of my bridesmaids have a dress and one has the fabric and pattern to begin making her dress!  Hooray for progress that I can't really take credit for but will anyway!

Now, onward with wedding plans, to-do list making, progress reports, lesson plans, and job hunting!
Photo from ::here::